Emplyee Brand Messaging

Attracting and retaining talent can not be taken for granted anymore.

Why do you need an employee brand strategy?

How do you create an Employee Brand Messaging Document?

Workshop: The leadership work through serveral brand messaging exercises individually and the results are compiled and presented to the group where we discuss the results at the Synopsis Workshop.

Interviews: Interviews with different"types" of employees is done to receive further insight. The number of interviews is determined at the beginning of engagement.

Synopsis Workshop: All involved come together to review the answers and input from all parties. Clarification and distillation of messaging happens here.
Employee Brand Messaging Document: This document includes messaging for your recruitment and retention audiences. All messaging is written in harmony with your corporate brand, values and brand voice yet distinct to your HR goals. The goal is to have messaging that resonates with the type of employee that aligns in purpose with the business — creating a stronger, happier, and longer lasting workforce than using gimmicks and flowery language to attract them.
What do you mean by purpose alignment?

In a 2002 Harvard Business Review article, Tony Wild, the CEO of MedPointe, worked with seven top managers, many of whom had helped launch the company to develop a unique culture driven by a distinct set of core values. They focused on two core values: “a can-do attitude and the tireless pursuit of results.” Those values were based on an analysis
of a couple employees who personified the qualities they were looking for. Tony Wild went on to state, “As for those employees who can’t embrace or embody these values, that’s okay. They might be a better fit at another company.”

If you value independent thinkers, then hiring an order-follower is not right for your culture. Not that one is right or wrong; one just may be wrong for your type of business. If not addressed in the beginning, both parties will end up frustrated. And you must be realistic. You can’t have both. There are certain traits that you won’t find in combination in one individual. Steve Jobs has been known to have said, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” Defining and communicating expectations at the start makes all the difference for both parties. When it’s done with purpose, it’s even better.
How does messaging on a foundation of purpose affect culture and human attraction? 

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins wrote, “Companies need to exist for a higher purpose than mere profit generation to transcend the category of merely good.” This coupled with Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning has lead me to believe that purpose and meaning is a core motivation for all humanity.

With that understanding, you could conclude that communicating with purpose will draw in the right talent to hire as well as customers. The most successful companies have strong brands and do a great job at communicating their purpose with every customer touchpoint. Purpose attracts.
Why purpose before vision, mission, and values?

In Jim Collin’s book Good to Great, chapter three talks about the importance of securing high-quality, high-talent individuals first in order a company to be successful. He calls it “getting the right people on the bus.” So, how will you be able to find the “right” people if you don’t know what your purpose is? The right people are those that believe what you believe. They have the same purpose — when it comes to moving the company forward in the right direction. Look for potential employees who are excited about the company’s purpose. Even if they lack the experience, the skills of the specific job can be learned. Passion and purpose can not. Those employees will work with blood, sweat, and tears, not just for a paycheck.


DISCOVERY Brand Workshop.

RESEARCH Conduct surveys

SYNTHESIZE Distill responses from key leaders and staff

CLARIFY Look for the most authentic and genuine way to communicate

DEVELOPMENT First Draft Written

COLLABORATION Revisions & Rewrites

DELIVERABLE Final Messaging Document

Verbal Brand Document

Audience Profiles
Brand Attributes
Purpose Statement


Employee Brand Samples

Time & Cost

Brand Discovery Process
Kick-off Meeting
Brand Workshop: Messaging Exercises
Exercise Response Synopsis
Define Audience
Clarify Goals, Purpose, Mission, Vision
Core Business Messaging Draft
Delivery of Messaging Document

2–3 Weeks

Cost depends on sie of the orgainzation and number of employee and department head interviews

2–4 Weeks

Jän's expertise and strategic thought that he brought to our decision-making were invaluable. We aligned our three main divisions into one in purpose statement — helping position our company for future and attract the type of customer we were looking for.
Arabella Monro-Somerville , Marketing Director, Servicon
Cover of Branding on Purpose Workbook and Power of Purpose