Brand Messaging

Everything starts with a clear and well-defined message.

Why do I need a brand messaging document?

What type of companies do you work with?

Short Answer: I work with Owners of small, privately-held businesses between 1 to 500 million in revenue

Medium Answer: New companies looking to develop their core business messaging before embarking on any substantial marketing efforts. They are looking for a clear message they can reinforce across all channels.
Long Answer: Business owners need someone from the outside looking in (rather than the opposite) to reassess how they are being perceived in the marketplace and eliminate misconceptions and miscommunications about who they are and why customers should care. A clear purpose attracts the right people (employees and customers) for the right reasons.
Can potential customers quickly understand what your company does?

Business owners and marketing directors will often admit that quickly and effectively communicating what their company does, why they are different, and why potential customers should care they exist is their most difficult task. The sales staff often have a better ability to do this because they are interacting with potential customers every day.

Why is does this happen? We know too much about our companies and we try to communicate too much. This is where conducting an internal brand workshop with all department heads and then distilling the results into a brand messaging document is a game-changer. Purpose brings clarity.
How does messaging on a foundation of purpose affect culture and human attraction? 

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins wrote, “Companies need to exist for a higher purpose than mere profit generation to transcend the category of merely good.” This coupled with Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning has lead me to believe that purpose and meaning is a core motivation for all humanity.

With that understanding, you could conclude that communicating with purpose will draw in the right talent to hire as well as customers. The most successful companies have strong brands and do a great job at communicating their purpose with every customer touchpoint. Purpose attracts.
What areas of business can clear messaging contribute?

It is more like, where could it not help. Every action taken by a company from customer relations to Human Resources needs to be congruent with its values. Behind every core value should live the purpose of the business — why you exist, why you do what you do, and why it is important.

With that in mind, the conception and direction of every sales and marketing effort should reinforce the company’s purpose, vision, and mission. Purpose prioritizes.


DISCOVERY Brand Workshop. Optional Surveys

SYNTHESIZE Distill responses from key leaders and staff

IDENTIFY Commonalities, Key Words Inconsistencies, and Incongruencies

RESEARCH Your competition

DEVELOPMENT First Draft Written

COLLABORATION Revisions & Rewrites

DELIVERABLE Final Messaging Document

Verbal Brand Document

Purpose Statement
Messaging/Brand Story
Tagline/Positioning Statement
Defining the “Why” of Your Business
Recrafted Vision & Mission
Belief Statements
Brand Essence Graphic

FREE Downloads

Verbal Brand Samples ►

Branding on Purpose Workbook ►

Time & Cost

Brand Discovery Process
Kick-off Meeting
Brand Workshop: 8 Brand Exercises
Exercise Response Synopsis
Define Audience
Clarify Goals, Purpose, Mission, Vision
Define Positioning
Core Business Messaging Draft
Delivery of Verbal Brand Document

2–3 Weeks

Cost depends on complexity, length and method of presentation

2–4 Weeks

Jän's expertise and strategic thought that he brought to our decision-making were invaluable. We aligned our three main divisions into one in purpose statement — helping position our company for future and attract the type of customer we were looking for.
Arabella Monro-Somerville , Marketing Director, Servicon
Cover of Branding on Purpose Workbook and Power of Purpose